How to Take Part

How to take part

If you are aged 18 to 55 and need to have local treatment for a presumed or confirmed high-grade cervical precancer, you may be suitable to take part in this research. Get in touch with us here if that is the case.

If you are then chosen to take part, you will be one of the 1000 women recruited into the study from the UK, Finland and Sweden. 

Taking part in this study is entirely voluntary. It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. Before you make your decision, your study doctor will describe the study and go through the information sheet with you and ask you to sign a consent. If you do decide to take part you will be asked to sign a consent form and you will be given a copy to take away with you together with this information sheet.

You may be eligible to take part in the NOVEL trial if: 

1. You are due to have local treatment (loop excision/LLETZ) for high-grade precancer  

2. You are a patient at one of the participating NOVEL trial centres 

3. You meet the study’s specific eligibility criteria 

Unfortunately you will not be eligible if you are not having treatment or if you have been vaccinated against HPV previously. 
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